Tuesday, September 29, 2015

REAL ESTATE TIPS 111: Lowballing: Thrifty or unrealistic?

Everybody likes a good deal... whether it's buy 1 get 1 free or 10% off with a coupon. A few years ago it was so common to find an unbelievably good deal in Real estate that it became normal to submit outrageously low offers without thinking twice, it was truly a buyer's market. In the last couple years since the vast inventory of the foreclosure crisis has begun to dry up and investors have taken many of those dirt cheap properties and doubled or even tripled the value the market has begun to change. With market values increasing sellers aren't as eager to jump on the 1st offer that hits the table, especially if it's $30k under current market value. If a property is listed way above market value then of course there's room to negotiate below list price, but if a property is listed to sell at market value you could be wasting time pursuing it with the intentions of Lowballing, if you're interested in a property more than likely there's 5 other ready, able and willing buyers who are serious and realistic about what to offer. Times change and markets change, make sure you keep up!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

REAL ESTATE TIPS 110: You Can't Win if You Don't Play!

Buying a home is one of the biggest purchases most people will ever make. For some, it can be a lifetime commitment. The task of choosing the right home to fit your specific needs can be nerve wracking and a bit intimidating, especially for a 1st time buyer. While it can be a stressful decision to make, you have to be willing to take a chance on yourself, being afraid to make a move could cause you to lose out on the property that's right for you. Even though it can be stressful playing the real estate game, you can't win if you don't play! 

Thursday, September 3, 2015

REAL ESTATE TIPS 109: Communication Is Key!

In a real estate transaction communication between the parties involved can either make or break a deal. If all parties are able to communicate with one another most issues can be resolved in a timely manner, making it easier to get the deal closed. When there is a lack of communication between realtors, lenders, and attorneys it can make the simplest task almost impossible to complete which can delay or even prevent a deal from closing. There are so many moving parts in a transaction, it's important that everyone is on the same page throughout the process, proper communication is key!